Aleksandr Penskoi


Associate Professor
at SE&CS Faculty
at ITMO University

Associate Professor
at HDU-ITMO Joint Institute

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29 April 2021

Open Dais: Software Verification on the ASIP CAD Example or How to Trust Your Team and Yourself

by Aleksandr Penskoi

The development of complicated software is always associated with many difficulties, problems, and errors. The quality verification process allows us to recognize many of these issues on their occurrence. The organization of automated and holistic verification is an important task for any software development. Especially, it is critical to a pet research project, which involves young specialists who are still learning the art of development.

This report is focusing on verification problems and approaches used in the ongoing NITTA project. This project is dedicated to the development of CAD for hard-real time application-specific processors, which used a wide specter of technologies: Verilog (digital circuitry), Haskell (CAD itself), TypeSctipt (rich web application as UI), and in future Rust (control system) and Python (ML-based synthesis method). That raises the main question of the report: continuous integrity checking across different technologies and domains, including end-to-end automated software static typing, Properties-Based Testing, embedded Domain-Specific Languages, co-verification of tools, and target system software and hardware.
