never executed always true always false
1 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
7 {- |
8 Module : NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits.IO.SPI
9 Description :
10 Copyright : (c) Aleksandr Penskoi, 2019
11 License : BSD3
12 Maintainer :
13 Stability : experimental
14 -}
15 module NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits.IO.SPI (
16 SPI,
17 anySPI,
18 Ports (..),
19 IOPorts (..),
20 spiMasterPorts,
21 spiSlavePorts,
22 ) where
24 import Data.Aeson
25 import Data.Default
26 import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
27 import Data.Map.Strict qualified as M
28 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
29 import Data.Set qualified as S
30 import Data.String.Interpolate
31 import NITTA.Intermediate.Functions
32 import NITTA.Intermediate.Types
33 import NITTA.Model.Problems
34 import NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits.IO.SimpleIO
35 import NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits.Types
36 import NITTA.Model.Time
37 import NITTA.Project
38 import NITTA.Utils
39 import Prettyprinter
41 data SPIinterface
43 instance SimpleIOInterface SPIinterface
45 type SPI v x t = SimpleIO SPIinterface v x t
47 anySPI :: Time t => Int -> Maybe Int -> SPI v x t
48 anySPI bounceFilter bufferSize =
49 SimpleIO
50 { bounceFilter
51 , bufferSize
52 , receiveQueue = []
53 , receiveN = 0
54 , isReceiveOver = False
55 , sendQueue = []
56 , sendN = 0
57 , process_ = def
58 }
60 instance IOConnected (SPI v x t) where
61 data IOPorts (SPI v x t)
62 = SPIMaster
63 { master_mosi :: OutputPortTag
64 , master_miso :: InputPortTag
65 , master_sclk :: OutputPortTag
66 , master_cs :: OutputPortTag
67 }
68 | SPISlave
69 { slave_mosi :: InputPortTag
70 , slave_miso :: OutputPortTag
71 , slave_sclk :: InputPortTag
72 , slave_cs :: InputPortTag
73 }
74 deriving (Show)
76 inputPorts SPISlave{..} = S.fromList [slave_mosi, slave_sclk, slave_cs]
77 inputPorts SPIMaster{..} = S.fromList [master_miso]
79 outputPorts SPISlave{..} = S.fromList [slave_miso]
80 outputPorts SPIMaster{..} = S.fromList [master_mosi, master_sclk, master_cs]
82 spiMasterPorts tag =
83 SPIMaster
84 { master_mosi = OutputPortTag $ tag <> "_mosi"
85 , master_miso = InputPortTag $ tag <> "_miso"
86 , master_sclk = OutputPortTag $ tag <> "_sclk"
87 , master_cs = OutputPortTag $ tag <> "_cs"
88 }
90 spiSlavePorts tag =
91 SPISlave
92 { slave_mosi = InputPortTag $ tag <> "_mosi"
93 , slave_miso = OutputPortTag $ tag <> "_miso"
94 , slave_sclk = InputPortTag $ tag <> "_sclk"
95 , slave_cs = InputPortTag $ tag <> "_cs"
96 }
98 instance Time t => Default (SPI v x t) where
99 def = anySPI 0 $ Just 6
101 instance (ToJSON v, VarValTime v x t) => TargetSystemComponent (SPI v x t) where
102 moduleName _ _ = "pu_spi"
103 hardware _tag _pu =
104 Aggregate
105 Nothing
106 [ FromLibrary "spi/pu_slave_spi_driver.v"
107 , FromLibrary "spi/spi_slave_driver.v"
108 , FromLibrary "spi/i2n_splitter.v"
109 , FromLibrary "spi/buffer.v"
110 , FromLibrary "spi/bounce_filter.v"
111 , FromLibrary "spi/spi_master_driver.v"
112 , FromLibrary "spi/n2i_splitter.v"
113 , FromLibrary "spi/pu_slave_spi.v"
114 , FromLibrary "spi/pu_master_spi.v"
115 ]
117 software tag pu = protocolDescription tag pu "SPI Processor Unit"
119 hardwareInstance
120 tag
121 SimpleIO{bounceFilter, sendN, receiveN}
122 UnitEnv
123 { sigClk
124 , sigRst
125 , sigCycleBegin
126 , sigInCycle
127 , sigCycleEnd
128 , valueIn = Just (dataIn, attrIn)
129 , valueOut = Just (dataOut, attrOut)
130 , ctrlPorts = Just SimpleIOPorts{..}
131 , ioPorts = Just ioPorts
132 } =
133 [__i|
134 #{ module_ ioPorts } \#
135 ( .DATA_WIDTH( #{ dataWidth (def :: x) } )
136 , .ATTR_WIDTH( #{ attrWidth (def :: x) } )
137 , .BOUNCE_FILTER( #{ show bounceFilter } )
138 , .DISABLED( #{ if sendN == 0 && receiveN == 0 then (1 :: Int) else 0 } )
139 ) #{ tag }
140 ( .clk( #{ sigClk } )
141 , .rst( #{ sigRst } )
142 , .flag_stop( #{ stop } )
143 , .signal_cycle_begin( #{ sigCycleBegin } )
144 , .signal_in_cycle( #{ sigInCycle } )
145 , .signal_cycle_end( #{ sigCycleEnd } )
146 , .signal_oe( #{ oe } )
147 , .signal_wr( #{ wr } )
148 , .data_in( #{ dataIn } ), .attr_in( #{ attrIn } )
149 , .data_out( #{ dataOut } ), .attr_out( #{ attrOut } )
150 #{ nest 4 $ extIO ioPorts }
151 );
152 |]
153 where
154 module_ SPISlave{} = "pu_slave_spi" :: Verilog
155 module_ SPIMaster{} = "pu_master_spi"
156 extIO SPISlave{..} =
157 [__i|
158 , .mosi( #{ slave_mosi } )
159 , .miso( #{ slave_miso } )
160 , .sclk( #{ slave_sclk } )
161 , .cs( #{ slave_cs } )
162 |] ::
163 Verilog
164 extIO SPIMaster{..} =
165 [__i|
166 , .mosi( #{ master_mosi } )
167 , .miso( #{ master_miso } )
168 , .sclk( #{ master_sclk } )
169 , .cs( #{ master_cs } )
170 |]
171 hardwareInstance _title _pu _env = error "internal error"
173 instance VarValTime v x t => IOTestBench (SPI v x t) v x where
174 testEnvironmentInitFlag tag _pu = Just $ tag <> "_env_init_flag"
176 testEnvironment
177 tag
178 sio@SimpleIO{process_, bounceFilter}
179 UnitEnv
180 { sigClk
181 , sigRst
182 , ctrlPorts = Just SimpleIOPorts{}
183 , ioPorts = Just ioPorts
184 }
185 TestEnvironment{teCntx = cntx@Cntx{cntxCycleNumber, cntxProcess}, teComputationDuration} =
186 let receivedVariablesSeq =
187 mapMaybe
188 ( \f -> case castF f of
189 Just Receive{} -> Just $ oneOf $ variables f
190 _ -> Nothing
191 )
192 $ functions process_
193 receivedVarsValues = take cntxCycleNumber $ cntxReceivedBySlice cntx
194 sendedVariableSeq =
195 mapMaybe
196 ( \case
197 (Target v) -> Just v
198 _ -> Nothing
199 )
200 $ getEndpoints process_
201 sendedVarsValues = take cntxCycleNumber $ map cycleCntx cntxProcess
202 wordWidth = dataWidth (def :: x)
203 frameWordCount = max (length receivedVariablesSeq) $ length sendedVariableSeq
204 frameWidth = frameWordCount * wordWidth
205 timeLag = 10 :: Int
206 sendingDuration =
207 max
208 (teComputationDuration + 2)
209 (frameWidth * 2 + bounceFilter + 2)
211 toVerilogLiteral xs =
212 let xs' = map toVerilogLiteral' xs
213 placeholder = replicate (frameWordCount - length xs) [i|#{ wordWidth }'d00|]
214 in hsep $ punctuate ", " (xs' <> placeholder)
215 toVerilogLiteral' x
216 | abs x /= x = [i|-#{ wordWidth }'sd#{ dataLiteral (-x) }|]
217 | otherwise = [i|#{ wordWidth }'sd#{ dataLiteral x }|]
219 disable =
220 [__i|
221 initial begin
222 @(negedge #{ sigRst });
223 #{ envInitFlagName } <= 1;
224 end
225 |]
227 envInitFlagName =
228 fromMaybe (error "SPI: testEnvironment: internal error") $
229 testEnvironmentInitFlag tag sio
230 in case ioPorts of
231 SPISlave{..} ->
232 let receiveCycle transmit =
233 let xs = map (\v -> fromMaybe def $ transmit M.!? v) receivedVariablesSeq
234 in [__i|
235 $display( "set data for sending #{ viaShow xs } by #{ tag }_io_test_input" );
236 #{ tag }_io_test_input = { #{ toVerilogLiteral xs } }; // #{ viaShow xs }
237 #{ tag }_io_test_start_transaction = 1; @(posedge #{ sigClk });
238 #{ tag }_io_test_start_transaction = 0; @(posedge #{ sigClk });
239 repeat( #{ sendingDuration } ) @(posedge #{ sigClk });
241 |]
243 sendingAssert transmit =
244 let xs = map (\v -> fromMaybe def $ HM.lookup v transmit) sendedVariableSeq
245 in [__i|
246 @(posedge #{ tag }_io_test_start_transaction);
247 $write( "#{ tag }_io_test_output actual: %H except: %H ({ #{ toVerilogLiteral xs } })",
248 #{ tag }_io_test_output, { #{ toVerilogLiteral xs } } );
249 if ( #{ tag }_io_test_output != { #{ toVerilogLiteral xs } } ) $display("\t\tFAIL");
250 else $display();
252 |]
254 endDeviceInstance =
255 [__i|
256 /*
257 #{ pretty sio }
258 */
259 reg #{ tag }_io_test_start_transaction;
260 reg [#{ frameWidth }-1:0] #{ tag }_io_test_input;
261 wire #{ tag }_io_test_ready;
262 wire [#{ frameWidth }-1:0] #{ tag }_io_test_output;
263 initial #{ envInitFlagName } <= 0; // should be defined on the testbench level.
264 spi_master_driver \#
265 ( .DATA_WIDTH( #{ frameWidth } )
267 ) #{ tag }_io_test
268 ( .clk( #{ sigClk } )
269 , .rst( #{ sigRst } )
270 , .start_transaction( #{ tag }_io_test_start_transaction )
271 , .data_in( #{ tag }_io_test_input )
272 , .data_out( #{ tag }_io_test_output )
273 , .ready( #{ tag }_io_test_ready )
274 , .mosi( #{ slave_mosi } )
275 , .miso( #{ slave_miso } )
276 , .sclk( #{ slave_sclk } )
277 , .cs( #{ slave_cs } )
278 );
279 initial #{ tag }_io_test.inner.shiftreg <= 0;
280 |]
282 envDeviceControl =
283 [__i|
284 initial begin
285 #{ tag }_io_test_start_transaction <= 0;
286 #{ tag }_io_test_input <= 0;
287 @(negedge #{ sigRst });
288 repeat(#{ timeLag }) @(posedge #{ sigClk });
290 #{ nest 4 $ vsep $ map receiveCycle receivedVarsValues }
291 repeat ( 5 ) begin
292 #{ nest 8 $ receiveCycle def }
293 end
295 // $finish; // DON'T DO THAT (with this line test can pass without data checking)
296 end
297 |]
298 envDeviceCheck =
299 [__i|
300 initial begin
301 @(negedge #{ sigRst });
302 repeat ( OUTPUT_LATENCY ) @(posedge #{ tag }_io_test_start_transaction); // latency
304 #{ nest 4 $ vsep $ map sendingAssert sendedVarsValues }
305 forever begin
306 @(posedge spi_io_test_start_transaction);
307 $display( "#{ tag }_io_test_output actual: %H", #{ tag }_io_test_output );
308 end
309 end
310 |]
311 in -- FIXME: do not check output signals when we drop data
312 Just
313 [__i|
314 ////////////////////////////////////////
315 // SPI test environment
316 localparam NITTA_LATENCY = 1;
317 localparam OUTPUT_LATENCY = 3;
319 // SPI device in test environment
320 #{ endDeviceInstance :: Verilog }
322 // SPI device in test environment control
323 #{ if frameWordCount == 0 then disable else envDeviceControl }
325 // SPI device in test environment check
326 #{ if frameWordCount == 0 then disable else envDeviceCheck }
328 // SPI environment initialization flag set
329 initial begin
330 repeat ( NITTA_LATENCY ) @(posedge spi_io_test_start_transaction);
331 spi_env_init_flag <= 1;
332 end
333 |]
334 SPIMaster{..} ->
335 let receiveCycle transmit =
336 let xs = map (\v -> fromMaybe def $ transmit M.!? v) receivedVariablesSeq
337 in [__i|
338 #{ tag }_io_test_input = { #{ toVerilogLiteral xs } }; // #{ xs }
339 @(posedge #{ tag }_io_test_ready);
340 |]
342 sendingAssert transmit =
343 let xs = map (\v -> fromMaybe def $ HM.lookup v transmit) sendedVariableSeq
344 in [__i|
345 @(posedge #{ tag }_io_test_ready);
346 $display( "#{ tag }_io_test_output except: %H ({ #{ toVerilogLiteral xs } })", { #{ toVerilogLiteral xs } } );
347 $display( "#{ tag }_io_test_output actual: %H", #{ tag }_io_test_output );
348 if ( #{ tag }_io_test_output != { #{ toVerilogLiteral xs } } )
349 $display(" FAIL");
350 $display();
351 |]
353 envInstance =
354 [__i|
355 /*
356 #{ pretty sio }
357 */
358 reg #{ tag }_io_test_start_transaction;
359 reg [#{ frameWidth }-1:0] #{ tag }_io_test_input;
360 wire #{ tag }_io_test_ready;
361 wire [#{ frameWidth }-1:0] #{ tag }_io_test_output;
362 initial #{ envInitFlagName } <= 0; // should be defined on the testbench level.
363 spi_slave_driver \#
364 ( .DATA_WIDTH( #{ frameWidth } )
365 ) #{ tag }_io_test_slave
366 ( .clk( #{ sigClk } )
367 , .rst( #{ sigRst } )
368 , .data_in( #{ tag }_io_test_input )
369 , .data_out( #{ tag }_io_test_output )
370 , .ready( #{ tag }_io_test_ready )
371 , .mosi( #{ master_mosi } )
372 , .miso( #{ master_miso } )
373 , .sclk( #{ master_sclk } )
374 , .cs( #{ master_cs } )
375 );
376 |]
378 interactions =
379 [__i|
380 // SPI Input signal generation
381 initial begin
382 @(negedge #{ sigRst });
383 #{ nest 4 $ receiveCycle $ head receivedVarsValues }
384 #{ envInitFlagName } <= 1;
386 #{ nest 4 $ vsep $ map receiveCycle $ tail receivedVarsValues }
387 repeat(70) @(posedge #{ sigClk });
388 // $finish; // DON'T DO THAT (with this line test can pass without data checking)
389 end
391 // SPI Output signal checking
392 initial begin
393 @(negedge #{ sigRst });
394 repeat(2) @(posedge #{ tag }_io_test_ready);
395 #{ nest 4 $ vsep $ map sendingAssert sendedVarsValues }
396 end
397 |]
398 in Just (envInstance <> line <> line <> if frameWordCount == 0 then disable else interactions)
399 testEnvironment _title _pu _env _tEnv = error "internal error"