never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
    4 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
    5 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
    7 {- |
    8 Module      : NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits.Divider
    9 Description : Integral divider processor unit with pipeline
   10 Copyright   : (c) Aleksandr Penskoi, 2021
   11 License     : BSD3
   12 Maintainer  :
   13 Stability   : experimental
   14 -}
   15 module NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits.Divider (
   16     Divider (..),
   17     divider,
   18     Ports (..),
   19     IOPorts (..),
   20 ) where
   22 import Control.Monad
   23 import Data.Default
   24 import Data.List (partition)
   25 import Data.List qualified as L
   26 import Data.Maybe
   27 import Data.Set qualified as S
   28 import Data.String.Interpolate
   29 import Data.String.ToString
   30 import NITTA.Intermediate.Functions qualified as F
   31 import NITTA.Intermediate.Types
   32 import NITTA.Model.Problems
   33 import NITTA.Model.ProcessorUnits.Types
   34 import NITTA.Model.Time
   35 import NITTA.Project
   36 import NITTA.Utils
   37 import NITTA.Utils.ProcessDescription
   38 import Numeric.Interval.NonEmpty (singleton, sup, (...))
   40 data InputDesc
   41     = Numer
   42     | Denom
   43     deriving (Show, Eq)
   45 data OutputDesc
   46     = Quotient
   47     | Remain
   48     deriving (Show, Eq)
   50 data Divider v x t = Divider
   51     { jobs :: [Job v x t]
   52     , remains :: [F v x]
   53     , process_ :: Process t (StepInfo v x t)
   54     , pipeline :: t
   55     , mock :: Bool
   56     }
   58 instance (Show v, Show t) => Show (Divider v x t) where
   59     show Divider{jobs} = show jobs
   61 divider pipeline mock =
   62     Divider
   63         { jobs = []
   64         , remains = []
   65         , process_ = def
   66         , pipeline
   67         , mock
   68         }
   70 instance Time t => Default (Divider v x t) where
   71     def = divider 4 True
   73 instance Default x => DefaultX (Divider v x t) x
   75 instance Ord t => WithFunctions (Divider v x t) (F v x) where
   76     functions Divider{process_, remains, jobs} =
   77         functions process_
   78             ++ remains
   79             ++ map function jobs
   81 data Job v x t
   82     = WaitArguments
   83         { function :: F v x
   84         , arguments :: [(InputDesc, v)]
   85         }
   86     | WaitResults
   87         { function :: F v x
   88         , readyAt :: t
   89         , restrict :: Maybe t
   90         , results :: [(OutputDesc, S.Set v)]
   91         }
   92     deriving (Eq, Show)
   94 instance Ord v => Variables (Job v x t) v where
   95     variables WaitArguments{arguments} = S.fromList $ map snd arguments
   96     variables WaitResults{results} = S.unions $ map snd results
   98 isWaitArguments WaitArguments{} = True
   99 isWaitArguments _ = False
  101 isWaitResults WaitResults{} = True
  102 isWaitResults _ = False
  104 instance VarValTime v x t => ProcessorUnit (Divider v x t) v x t where
  105     tryBind f pu@Divider{remains}
  106         | Just (F.Division (I _n) (I _d) (O _q) (O _r)) <- castF f =
  107             Right pu{remains = f : remains}
  108         | otherwise = Left $ "Unknown functional block: " ++ show f
  109     process = process_
  110     parallelismType _ = Pipeline
  112 instance (Var v, Time t) => Locks (Divider v x t) v where
  113     locks Divider{jobs, remains} = L.nub $ byArguments ++ byResults
  114         where
  115             byArguments
  116                 | Just wa@WaitArguments{function} <- L.find isWaitArguments jobs =
  117                     [ Lock{lockBy, locked}
  118                     | lockBy <- S.elems $ variables wa
  119                     , locked <- S.elems $ unionsMap variables remains
  120                     ]
  121                         ++ [ Lock{lockBy, locked}
  122                            | lockBy <- S.elems $ variables wa
  123                            , locked <- S.elems $ outputs function
  124                            ]
  125                 | otherwise = concatMap locks remains
  126             byResults
  127                 | Just wr <- firstWaitResults jobs =
  128                     let blocked = filter (\j -> isWaitResults j && j /= wr) jobs
  129                      in [ Lock{lockBy, locked}
  130                         | lockBy <- S.elems $ variables wr
  131                         , locked <- S.elems $ unionsMap variables blocked
  132                         ]
  133                 | otherwise = []
  135 instance BreakLoopProblem (Divider v x t) v x
  136 instance ConstantFoldingProblem (Divider v x t) v x
  137 instance OptimizeAccumProblem (Divider v x t) v x
  138 instance ResolveDeadlockProblem (Divider v x t) v x
  140 function2WaitArguments f
  141     | Just F.Division{F.denom = I denom, F.numer = I numer} <- castF f =
  142         WaitArguments
  143             { function = f
  144             , arguments = [(Denom, denom), (Numer, numer)]
  145             }
  146     | otherwise = error $ "internal divider error: " <> show f
  148 function2WaitResults readyAt f
  149     | Just F.Division{F.quotient = O quotient, F.remain = O remain} <- castF f =
  150         WaitResults
  151             { function = f
  152             , readyAt
  153             , restrict = Nothing
  154             , results = filterEmptyResults [(Quotient, quotient), (Remain, remain)]
  155             }
  156     | otherwise = error "internal error"
  158 filterEmptyResults rs = filter (not . null . snd) rs
  160 firstWaitResults jobs =
  161     let jobs' = filter isWaitResults jobs
  162      in if null jobs'
  163             then Nothing
  164             else Just $ minimumOn readyAt jobs'
  166 instance VarValTime v x t => EndpointProblem (Divider v x t) v t where
  167     endpointOptions pu@Divider{remains, jobs} =
  168         let executeNewFunction
  169                 | any isWaitArguments jobs = []
  170                 | otherwise = concatMap (map target . S.elems . inputs) remains
  171             waitingArguments =
  172                 maybe [] (map target . S.elems . variables) $ L.find isWaitArguments jobs
  173             waitResults
  174                 | Just WaitResults{readyAt, results, restrict} <- firstWaitResults jobs =
  175                     let at = max readyAt (nextTick pu) ... fromMaybe maxBound restrict
  176                      in map (sources at . snd) results
  177                 | otherwise = []
  178          in concat [executeNewFunction, waitingArguments, waitResults]
  179         where
  180             target v = EndpointSt (Target v) $ TimeConstraint (nextTick pu ... maxBound) (singleton 1)
  181             sources at vs = EndpointSt (Source vs) $ TimeConstraint at (singleton 1)
  183     endpointDecision pu@Divider{jobs, remains, pipeline} d@EndpointSt{epRole = Target v, epAt}
  184         | ([f], remains') <- partition (S.member v . inputs) remains =
  185             let pu' =
  186                     pu
  187                         { jobs = function2WaitArguments f : jobs
  188                         , remains = remains'
  189                         }
  190              in endpointDecision pu' d
  191         | ([WaitArguments{function, arguments}], jobs') <- partition (S.member v . variables) jobs =
  192             let (tag, arguments') = case partition ((== v) . snd) arguments of
  193                     ([(tag', _v)], other) -> (tag', other)
  194                     _ -> error "Divider: endpointDecision: internal error"
  195                 nextTick' = sup epAt + 1
  196              in case arguments' of
  197                     [] ->
  198                         let job' = function2WaitResults (nextTick' + pipeline + 1) function
  199                             restrictResults =
  200                                 map
  201                                     ( \case
  202                                         wa@WaitResults{restrict = Nothing} -> wa{restrict = Just (nextTick' + pipeline)}
  203                                         other -> other
  204                                     )
  205                          in pu
  206                                 { jobs = job' : restrictResults jobs'
  207                                 , process_ = execSchedule pu $ do
  208                                     scheduleEndpoint_ d $ scheduleInstructionUnsafe epAt $ Load tag
  209                                     scheduleInstructionUnsafe_ (singleton nextTick') Do
  210                                 }
  211                     _arguments' ->
  212                         pu
  213                             { jobs = WaitArguments{function, arguments = arguments'} : jobs'
  214                             , process_ = execSchedule pu $ do
  215                                 scheduleEndpoint_ d $ scheduleInstructionUnsafe epAt $ Load tag
  216                             }
  217     endpointDecision pu@Divider{jobs} d@EndpointSt{epRole = Source vs, epAt}
  218         | ([job@WaitResults{results, function}], jobs') <- partition ((vs `S.isSubsetOf`) . variables) jobs =
  219             let ((tag, allVs), results') = case partition ((vs `S.isSubsetOf`) . snd) results of
  220                     ([(tag_, allVs_)], other) -> ((tag_, allVs_), other)
  221                     _ -> error "Divider: endpointDecision: internal error"
  222                 allVs' = allVs S.\\ vs
  223                 results'' = filterEmptyResults $ (tag, allVs') : results'
  224                 jobs'' =
  225                     if null results''
  226                         then jobs'
  227                         else job{results = results''} : jobs'
  228              in pu
  229                     { jobs = jobs''
  230                     , process_ = execSchedule pu $ do
  231                         scheduleEndpoint_ d $ scheduleInstructionUnsafe epAt $ Out tag
  232                         when (null jobs') $ do
  233                             scheduleFunctionFinish_ [] function $ 0 ... sup epAt
  234                     }
  235     endpointDecision _pu d = error [i|incorrect decision #{ d } for Divider|]
  237 instance Controllable (Divider v x t) where
  238     data Instruction (Divider v x t)
  239         = Load InputDesc
  240         | Do
  241         | Out OutputDesc
  242         deriving (Show)
  244     data Microcode (Divider v x t) = Microcode
  245         { selSignal :: Bool
  246         , wrSignal :: Bool
  247         , oeSignal :: Bool
  248         }
  249         deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
  251     zipSignalTagsAndValues DividerPorts{..} Microcode{..} =
  252         [ (sel, Bool selSignal)
  253         , (wr, Bool wrSignal)
  254         , (oe, Bool oeSignal)
  255         ]
  257     usedPortTags DividerPorts{sel, wr, oe} = [sel, wr, oe]
  259     takePortTags (sel : wr : oe : _) _ = DividerPorts sel wr oe
  260     takePortTags _ _ = error "can not take port tags, tags are over"
  262 instance Default (Microcode (Divider v x t)) where
  263     def =
  264         Microcode
  265             { selSignal = False
  266             , wrSignal = False
  267             , oeSignal = False
  268             }
  269 instance UnambiguouslyDecode (Divider v x t) where
  270     decodeInstruction (Load Numer) = def{wrSignal = True, selSignal = False}
  271     decodeInstruction (Load Denom) = def{wrSignal = True, selSignal = True}
  272     decodeInstruction Do = def{wrSignal = True, oeSignal = True}
  273     decodeInstruction (Out Quotient) = def{oeSignal = True, selSignal = False}
  274     decodeInstruction (Out Remain) = def{oeSignal = True, selSignal = True}
  276 instance Connected (Divider v x t) where
  277     data Ports (Divider v x t) = DividerPorts {sel, wr, oe :: SignalTag}
  278         deriving (Show)
  280 instance IOConnected (Divider v x t) where
  281     data IOPorts (Divider v x t) = DividerIO
  282         deriving (Show)
  284 instance (Val x, Show t) => TargetSystemComponent (Divider v x t) where
  285     moduleName _ _ = "pu_div"
  286     software _ _ = Empty
  287     hardware _tag Divider{mock} =
  288         Aggregate
  289             Nothing
  290             [ if mock
  291                 then FromLibrary "div/div_mock.v"
  292                 else FromLibrary "div/div.v"
  293             , FromLibrary "div/pu_div.v"
  294             ]
  295     hardwareInstance
  296         tag
  297         _pu@Divider{mock, pipeline}
  298         UnitEnv
  299             { sigClk
  300             , sigRst
  301             , valueIn = Just (dataIn, attrIn)
  302             , valueOut = Just (dataOut, attrOut)
  303             , ctrlPorts = Just DividerPorts{sel, wr, oe}
  304             } =
  305             [__i|
  306                 pu_div \#
  307                         ( .DATA_WIDTH( #{ dataWidth (def :: x) } )
  308                         , .ATTR_WIDTH( #{ attrWidth (def :: x) } )
  309                         , .INVALID( 0 )
  310                         , .PIPELINE( #{ pipeline } )
  311                         , .SCALING_FACTOR_POWER( #{ fractionalBitSize (def :: x) } )
  312                         , .MOCK_DIV( #{ bool2verilog mock } )
  313                         ) #{ tag }
  314                     ( .clk( #{ sigClk } )
  315                     , .rst( #{ sigRst } )
  316                     , .signal_sel( #{ sel } )
  317                     , .signal_wr( #{ wr } )
  318                     , .data_in( #{ dataIn } )
  319                     , .attr_in( #{ attrIn } )
  320                     , .signal_oe( #{ oe } )
  321                     , .data_out( #{ dataOut } )
  322                     , .attr_out( #{ attrOut } )
  323                     );
  324             |]
  325     hardwareInstance _title _pu _env = error "internal error"
  327 instance IOTestBench (Divider v x t) v x
  329 instance VarValTime v x t => Testable (Divider v x t) v x where
  330     testBenchImplementation prj@Project{pName, pUnit} =
  331         Immediate (toString $ moduleName pName pUnit <> "_tb.v") $
  332             snippetTestBench
  333                 prj
  334                 SnippetTestBenchConf
  335                     { tbcSignals = ["sel", "wr", "oe"]
  336                     , tbcPorts =
  337                         DividerPorts
  338                             { sel = SignalTag "sel"
  339                             , wr = SignalTag "wr"
  340                             , oe = SignalTag "oe"
  341                             }
  342                     , tbcMC2verilogLiteral = \Microcode{selSignal, wrSignal, oeSignal} ->
  343                         [i|oe <= #{ bool2verilog oeSignal }; sel <= #{ bool2verilog selSignal }; wr <= #{ bool2verilog wrSignal }; |]
  344                     }